Lunch every Wednesday at 12 ‘o’clock!

Only $8.00 per person! 

Shepherd’s Center Mid North

Learn. Serve. Connect.

Involving Seniors in the Communities Around Them

Here at the Shepherd's Center, our team fosters community engagement by involving seniors in volunteer opportunities, advocacy initiatives, and social events. By empowering seniors to contribute to the community, we strengthen the bonds between different generations and foster a sense of purpose and belonging. We strive to create a vibrant and inclusive community where all members are valued and supported.

Get Involved
  • A group of people are sitting at tables playing bingo.

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  • A group of people are posing for a picture in a room.

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  • A group of people are sitting at tables and singing in a room.

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  • A group of elderly people are sitting in a circle in a living room.

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  • A group of people are sitting at tables in a room.

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  • A large group of people are sitting at tables in a large room.

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  • A group of people are sitting around a table singing in a choir.

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Our Mission

At Mid-North Shepherd’s Center, we are steadfast in our commitment to fostering a community of purpose and support for individuals in their golden years. Rooted in the spirit of Shepherd’s Center, our mission revolves around creating meaningful opportunities that encompass service, lifelong learning, individual well-being, and the promotion of independent living. We pride ourselves on being part of an interfaith network of community-based organizations, where collaboration and inclusivity thrive.

Our Vision

Looking ahead, our vision is to redefine the narrative of aging, transforming it into an empowering and enriching experience for individuals seeking a life of profound meaning. We are dedicated to shaping an environment that transcends generations, ensuring that today's seniors and those to come embrace a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

Our Values

At the core of our organization lie values deeply rooted in the shared philosophy across religions and diverse communities—an unwavering responsibility to do good and assist others. We strive to provide every individual with meaningful experiences that foster personal growth and self-expression. Our commitment extends to promoting healthy, active lifestyles and creating social and recreational opportunities that forge lasting friendships.

By aiding our neighbors, we believe in the profound impact on our communities as a whole. Through our values, we aim to build a world where compassion, camaraderie, and a sense of duty form the foundation for a thriving and interconnected society. Join us on this journey, where every act of kindness contributes to the collective well-being of our community.

A smiling face at the front reception


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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why is Mid-North Shepherd's Center so Popular?

    Mid-North Shepherd's Center has become one of the most popular senior citizen groups in Indianapolis, IN, because of its unwavering dedication to enriching the lives of older adults. Our senior citizen group programs are designed to meet the diverse needs of seniors, providing opportunities for lifelong learning, social engagement, and personal growth. As part of a larger interfaith network, we offer a welcoming environment where individuals from all backgrounds can come together, fostering a sense of community and belonging that is unmatched by other senior citizen groups

    What sets us apart from other senior citizen groups is our holistic approach to senior care. We focus on promoting independent living, enhancing well-being, and creating meaningful experiences that resonate with our members. Through our wide range of activities and services, we ensure that every senior has the chance to lead an active and fulfilling life. Our popularity among senior citizen groups continues to grow as more individuals discover the supportive and inclusive community we provide at Mid-North Shepherd's Center.

  • Senior Citizen Support in Indianapolis, IN.

    At Mid-North Shepherd's Center, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive support for senior citizens. Our programs and services are tailored to enhance the quality of life for older adults, promoting independence, well-being, and active living. We strive to create a nurturing and inclusive environment where seniors can thrive and connect with others.

    Our Senior Citizens Support includes:

    • Lifelong Learning Programs: Engage in educational classes, workshops, and lectures on various topics to stimulate the mind and foster continuous growth.
    • Health and Wellness Initiatives: Participate in fitness classes, health screenings, and wellness seminars designed to promote physical and mental well-being.
    • Social and Recreational Activities: Enjoy a variety of social events, outings, and recreational activities that encourage socialization and fun.
    • Volunteer Opportunities: Give back to the community and find purpose through meaningful volunteer work.
    • Support Groups and Counseling: Access emotional support and guidance through our dedicated support groups and counseling services.
    • Resource and Referral Services: Receive assistance with navigating community resources, including housing, healthcare, and financial support.

    Join Mid-North Shepherd's Center and experience a supportive community dedicated to enriching the lives of senior citizens.

  • How do I contact Mid-North Shepherd's Center?

    You can call us at 317-924-0959 or email us at

    You can also use the form on our Contact Us page.

Senior Citizens Groups

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